
Hi love. I'm Samantha, Creatrix of Moonifest.

I started manifesting with the moon around 2018 when I joined a women’s intuition group. It was there that I learned about different spiritual practices including moon phases, goddess energy, archetypes, divination, clairvoyance, and so much more.

These practices helped me build trust in myself and experience an overwhelming amount of personal growth. They opened doors to an entirely new way of living by listening and trusting my instincts. Something that is deeply engrained in all women — if we choose to access it.

That’s what I hope to do with Moonifest - inspire and surface the divine feminine in all humans. Balance the scales of power to once again be just. Reconnect with the ancient wisdom that knows we are all beings from the same source. Spread love, light, and high vibrations across the universe. started as an app — but there’s much more to come.