Understanding the Moon Phases


The Basics

The moon orbits Earth and completes a full revolution every 28(ish) days. This journey is called a moon cycle. Throughout a moon cycle, the moon enters 8 different phases. These phases are illustrated on the left along with their unique energy qualities.

Working with the Phases

When we align ourselves with the moon, we are connecting with our own internal compass. We’re reconnected with the rhythmic nature of rest, action, and everything else in between. Following along with the phases and cycles can help inform our decisions and actions.

And don’t forget — ancient tribes long before the days of Amazon Prime were using moon phases and rituals to guide their way of life. They helped inform decisions like when to harvest crops or to know when big storms were coming.

Yet we can’t rely on the moon to do all the work for us — we’re working with her energy to restore and express our own energy. Which means we have to put in the time to reflect, learn, and grow.


The 8 Unique Energies

The best way to work with the moon’s energies is by setting an intention on the New Moon. Mark the calendar days that the rest of the phases fall on and use their guiding energies to make progress towards fulfilling your intention!

New Moon: A time of new beginnings and setting intentions

Waxing Crescent: Get excited and curious about possibilities

First Quarter: Take action & build momentum towards your intention

Waxing Gibbous: Refine your course & make improvements where needed

Full Moon: Celebrate with full expression & release what doesn’t serve you

Waning Gibbous: Receive benefits with immense gratitude

Third Quarter: Give back from a place of abundance

Waning Crescent: Rest, restore, and listen to your intuition

Incorporating the Zodiac

The moon enters a new zodiac every day while moving through its phases and cycles. To harness even more manifesting power, follow along with the zodiac energies for more specific and tailored guidance.

Here are a few different frequencies to incorporate the zodiac:

By Moon Cycle: Once a month, incorporate the zodiac on the New Moon. Use its energy to inform your intention and long term goals for the moon cycle.

On the New and Full Moon: Use the New Moon zodiac energy to inform your intentions and Waxing Moon energy. Use the Full Moon zodiac energy to inform your rest, gratitude, and recovery during the Waning Moon.

By Moon Phase: Track which zodiac sign the moon is in during each of the 8 moon phases. Use the zodiac energy in tandem with each energy.


Samantha Shaibani

A full-time UX designer & former interior designer living in Charlotte, NC. 


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